Posted on October 16, 2015Today’s Milano. Today’s #MyDaughter, Milano at KC’s Crepes Cafe, Los Angeles, California
Posted on October 14, 2015September 7, 2022Believe or not Marina built this #BlockTower by herself.✌️ At Azzurra Condominium, Marina del Rey, California
Posted on October 13, 2015From Catalina. #ClearedForTakeoff from Airport in the Sky, Catalina Island, Avalon, California
Posted on October 12, 2015Came back to this place. Came back to this place and food is just awesome! at Gjusta Bakery, Venice, California
Posted on October 11, 2015Pumpkin Patch #PumpkinPatch with my girls. With Sally and Milano and Marina at Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch, Culver City, California
Posted on October 10, 2015Today’s Milano. #MyDaughter Milano is sneaking in the #Kitchen. Lol. At Azzurra Condominium, Marina del Rey, California
Posted on October 9, 2015#FBF with Rom. #FBF with an awesome entertainer Rome Kanda at Avalon Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
Posted on October 7, 2015Today’s Marina. Today’s #MyDaughter. Marina at Azzurra Condominium, Marina del Rey, California
Posted on October 6, 2015Today’s My Daughter. Today’s #MyDaughters @MilanodelRey1111 @MarinadelRey1111 #HomeSweetHome #AzzurradelRey #MarinadelRey #LosAngeles #California