Happy Sunday.

Happy #Sunday with #myfamily ?? #MarinaDelRey #MotherAndDaughters #SallyDelRey #Ralphs #Shopping

Today’s Marina.

Sneak into mommies in-loved make up brush??#mydaughter #marinadelrey #asianbaby #mymakeupbrushset @marinadelrey1111 @sallydelrey @mymakeupbrushset

Beautiful moon.

#BeautifulMoon ? with beautiful buildings ? #MarinaTowers #MarinaDelRey #LosAngeles #iloveMDR #visitMDR #BeautifulNight​

Father’s Day.

Happy Father’s Day???✨ to all the wonderful dad out there! #fathersday #kinsan #kyoto #takemoto​

My weekend.

Good morning #Saturday ???? #MyGirls #MotherAndDaughters #MyFamily #MarinaDelRey #Monkey​

Meetup with another Jun.

Nice to see another Jun? at my favorites cafe.☕️ #TheRealJunSungKim #TheMarinaDelReyClub @KCsCrepesCafe #KCsCrepesCafe #Crepe #Cafe #MarinadelRey #LosAngeles #California #FishermansVillage #Boba #Smile

Today’s Marina.

Today’s #MyDaughter ?@MarinadelRey1111 #PlayaVista #TheRollingStones #SuperCute #MarinadelRey #LosAngeles #California #JapaneseAmerican #Kids #Girls​